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Buffer vs Socialpilot

What’s Better For You in 2024?


Grow your audience on social and beyond


Everything you need to hit your Social Media Marketing Goals

What is Buffer?

Buffer is a well-known and flexible social media management tool that is well-known for its capacity to plan, publish, and schedule content on various platforms. With its easy-to-use interface and flawless integrations, Buffer has become known as a leading option for individuals and businesses.

Buffer’s success lies in its straightforward scheduling and publishing functions. Users may quickly arrange and plan content, including adding images or videos and choosing the best times to share. The application’s content calendar feature provides a visual overview of scheduled postings, ensuring a consistent and organized presence across social media channels. Buffer also offers sophisticated analytics and reporting capabilities.

Buffer’s simple approach to social media management is widely praised by users. The scheduling tool, in particular, is appealing because it allows for advanced preparation and a regular online presence. Buffer has limits, particularly in real-time interaction and platform-specific functionalities, despite its virtues.

As a result, some users may find themselves exploring Buffer alternatives that offer different features or more comprehensive solutions tailored to their specific requirements. These alternatives can provide additional functionalities that complement or exceed what Buffer offers, ensuring a well-rounded and effective social media management strategy.

What is Socialpilot?

SocialPilot serves as a robust social media scheduling and analytics tool. Aimed at professionals and agencies, it’s designed to enhance online branding, simplify social media publishing, and provide insightful analytics.

SocialPilot excels in user management, especially in its higher-tier plans. The platform offers the ability to add unlimited users, facilitating seamless team collaboration and efficient task delegation. This feature is invaluable for agencies and teams working together on social media strategies, as it ensures that everyone can contribute and collaborate effectively.

Another notable feature is SocialPilot’s client approval functionality, available in the Agency and Agency+ plans. This feature enables content vetting and approval by clients before posting, ensuring that the content aligns with brand messaging and meets client expectations. It fosters trust, maintains content quality, and enhances the overall client-agency relationship.

While SocialPilot offers many advantages, it’s essential to explore alternatives to SocialPilot to ensure that you find the right social media management tool that suits your unique needs and preferences.


It can be quite difficult when searching through the wide range of social media management tools available. But in the middle of all the options, two popular businesses, Buffer vs Socialpilot, have come along to make your social media efforts easier.

We explore the advantages, disadvantages, and key features of each platform in this thorough comparison between Buffer vs Socialpilot in an effort to arm consumers, small business owners, and marketing firms with the information they need to choose the best social media management solution. Finding the right solution for your online presence and engagement, whether it’s ease or comprehensiveness, starts with knowing everything there is to know about these platforms.

Buffer vs Socialpilot: User Rating

Rating Categories Buffer Socialpilot
Star Rating (Out of 5) 4.5 4.6
Meets Requirements (Out of 10) 8.9 9.0
Ease of Use (Out of 10) 9.0 9.2
Ease of Setup (Out of 10) 9.2 9.3
Ease of Admin (Out of 10) 8.8 9.1
Quality of Support (Out of 10) 9.1 9.2
Business Partnership (Out of 10) 8.2 8.4
Product Direction (% positive) 8.3 8.6
Summary: While both Buffer and SocialPilot enjoy positive ratings from users, SocialPilot slightly edges out in most of the categories, suggesting a high degree of user satisfaction.

Buffer vs Socialpilot: Feature Comparison

Features Buffer Socialpilot
Pricing (per month in USD) $15 $30
Free Trial Yes Yes
Platforms Supported Multiple platforms Multiple platforms
Bulk Scheduling Yes Yes
RSS feeds Yes Yes
Recurring Posts Yes Yes
Social Inbox No Yes
AI Content Generation No No
Hashtag Storage No No
Caption Customization Yes Yes
AI Images No No
Advanced Analytics Yes Yes
White Label Reports NoNo Yes
URL Shortener Yes Yes
Unlimited Workspaces No Yes
Team Management Yes Yes
Note on Pricing Standard features Advanced features at additional costs
Summary: While Buffer offers a competitive price, SocialPilot comes packed with features, including a Social Inbox and White Label Reports, which may justify its higher pricing for many users.

Pros and Cons of Using Buffer


    • Supports various platforms

    • User-friendly interface

    • Features like URL shortener and RSS feeds included


    • Lacks advanced features like Social Inbox

    • No white-label reporting

Pros and Cons of Using Socialpilot


    • Comprehensive feature set

    • Includes a Social Inbox

    • Supports White Label Reporting


    • Priced higher than Buffer

    • Advanced features might require additional payment

Buffer vs Socialpilot – The Bottom Line

While Buffer is a formidable player with a simple and intuitive interface, SocialPilot presents a robust suite of features for those looking to get the most out of their social media marketing efforts. The choice largely depends on individual needs and budget constraints.

RecurPost as an alternative to Buffer and Socialpilot

RecurPost offers a synthesis of the best features:

Feature RecurPost Buffer Socialpilot
Pricing (per month in USD) $25 $15 (Buffer Publish Pro) $30 (Professional Plan)
Free Trial Yes Yes Yes
Bulk Scheduling Yes Yes Yes
AI Content Generation Yes No No
Advanced Analytics Yes Yes Yes
Team Management Yes On higher plans Yes
Platform Support Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Business Profile, YouTube, TikTok Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google My Business, Tumblr
Caption Customization Yes Yes Yes
URL Shortener Yes Yes Yes
White Label Reports Yes No Yes (on higher plans)

Why RecurPost Is Better Than Buffer and SocialPilot?

Why toggle between two platforms when RecurPost offers an all-encompassing solution? With competitive pricing and an expansive feature set, it’s the one-stop solution for all your social media management needs.