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How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work?

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Have you ever wondered how the LinkedIn algorithm determines the posts to be shown to you? The performance of your LinkedIn efforts heavily depends on the LinkedIn algorithm, though. In this way, you do not have to search for a specific topic on your own. It looks at what you post and finds more relevant content for you. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows everything you are interested in and tailors the content accordingly.

Whether you are an expert in social media, a brand aiming to grow, or owning a company, having awareness of this algorithm can help your content prosper on LinkedIn.

Let’s break down how this works and how you can make it work for you.

What is the LinkedIn Algorithm?

The LinkedIn algorithm is a set of rules and signals that determine what content appears in users’ feeds and how much reach that content receives. Its primary objective is to show the most relevant and engaging updates to each LinkedIn member.

LinkedIn doesn’t just view posts chronologically. Instead, the algorithm analyzes various factors to prioritize content that is likely to spark meaningful interactions and conversations among professionals. This approach ensures that users see updates they find valuable and interesting, rather than being overwhelmed with irrelevant information.

By understanding how the LinkedIn algorithm works, you can create content that aligns with its ranking criteria, increasing the chances of your posts being seen by your target audience and fostering more meaningful connections on the platform.

The LinkedIn spam-fighting strategy

Source: LinkedIn

How Does The LinkedIn Algorithm Work?

Several key factors influence the LinkedIn Algorithm:

1. Content Quality

On LinkedIn, quality really matters. The best posts are original and grab people’s attention. Think about what makes you stop and read a post, that’s what works best. High-quality content gets people talking, sharing, and reacting. If you ever saw a post that lots of people liked or shared, that’s quality content in action.

Quality content on LinkedIn, or any platform, really shines when it has certain attributes. Here are some key qualities to consider:

  • Relevance: It speaks directly to your audience’s interests, challenges, or industry trends.
  • Value: Provides useful information or insights, teaches something new, or offers solutions to a problem.
  • Authenticity: Reflects your genuine expertise and voice, and avoids sales or promotional tone.
  • Visual Appeal: Includes images, videos, or infographics to break up text and add interest.
  • Timeliness: Covers topics that are current or have a timeless appeal to your audience.

Focusing on these attributes can help ensure your content resonates with your audience and encourages engagement, which is favored by the LinkedIn algorithm.

LinkedIn Content Quality

Source: LinkedIn

2. Engagement

How soon and how much people interact with a post can make a big difference. The first hour after sharing a post is super important. It’s like the “golden hour” for your content. If people start liking, sharing, or commenting on your post during this time, LinkedIn thinks, “Hey, this is interesting!” And show it to more people. And after 4 hours, LinkedIn will boost the quality of content.

LinkedIn Post Engagement

Source: LinkedIn

3. Connections and Relevance

Who you know and how relevant your post is to your network play a big role too. If you share something that’s interesting to the people you’re connected with, it’s more likely to get seen. LinkedIn likes it when your content resonates well within your network.

For instance, a post made a while ago by an IBM employee is becoming more and more popular. Because I followed the IBM company page, LinkedIn is alerting me to the fact that you should also check out this post, which is going viral.

Notification from LinkedIn:

LinkedIn Connections and Relevance

Pages I followed:

followed pages on LinkedIn

By understanding and optimizing for these key factors, you can increase the chances of your content being seen and engaged with by your target audience on LinkedIn.

Recent Changes to the LinkedIn Algorithm and Their Impact

Changes in 2024

LinkedIn regularly updates its algorithms to improve user experience and content relevance. Some of the latest changes include:

  • Prioritizing Knowledge-Based Content: LinkedIn aims to surface more instructional and informative posts that share professional knowledge and expertise. This benefits users seeking insights to grow their careers or businesses.
  • Prioritizing Network Impressions: The algorithm now emphasizes strengthening real-world connections by showing more updates from people you actually know and interact with professionally.
  • More Personalized Content: LinkedIn is getting better at showing you what you like. It’s learning from every like, comment, and share to make your feed even more tailored to your interests.

Comparative Analysis of LinkedIn Algorithm with Other Social Media Algorithms

While LinkedIn’s algorithm shares some similarities with platforms like Facebook and Instagram, there are distinct differences that set it apart:

  • LinkedIn prioritizes professional content and connections over personal updates or entertainment. Its algorithm aims to surface updates relevant to users’ careers, industries, and business interests.
  • LinkedIn’s feed is chronological by default, unlike Facebook and Instagram algorithms that rely more heavily on machine learning to predict what users want to see.
  • The LinkedIn algorithm does not like sharing links. Even sharing links as the first comment affects your reach. However, Instagram does not treat links as links, but they are simple text. Facebook treats links as links though.

This focus on professional content over purely social or entertaining content sets LinkedIn apart. It’s why LinkedIn encourages posts that offer insights or knowledge and why it’s working to make sure you see more from your professional network.

Strategies to Improve Visibility and Engagement

1. LinkedIn Profile: Building Strong

Your profile is your digital resume on LinkedIn. Start with a professional photo that makes you approachable. Write a headline showing your worth and expertise. Fill out your summary with a story about your professional journey, skills, and goals. Make sure to include relevant keywords that help you get found in searches.

LinkedIn Profile Building
LinkedIn Profile Acctivity

Source : LinkedIn

2. Post at Best Times

Timing matters on LinkedIn. Generally, posting during weekdays when professionals are active (think mornings and lunch breaks i.e. 11 am to 2 pm) leads to better engagement. Experiment to find what days and times work best for your specific audience.

LinkedIn Post at Best Times

If you want to know in detail about the best times to post on LinkedIn, you can refer to our blog: Best and Worst Time to Post on LinkedIn

3. Content Types

LinkedIn users love a variety of content types, from insightful articles to engaging posts and informative videos. Articles establish your thought leadership, while posts keep you active in your network’s feed. Videos can capture attention in ways text cannot. Experiment with different content types and see what resonates with your audience. Check out the insights on the best content types with this –

LinkedIn Content Types

Source: RecurPost

4. Engagement Tactics

To get more eyes on your posts, tag relevant connections and use strategic hashtags. Tags bring others into the conversation, while hashtags help your content get discovered by interested users. Don’t shy away from asking questions or sharing opinions to spark discussions.

LinkedIn Engagement Tactics

Source: LinkedIn

5. Avoiding Common Pitfalls

A common mistake is including too many outbound links in your posts. LinkedIn prefers keeping users on the platform, so posts with external links often get less visibility. 

When compared to text or picture postings without a link, LinkedIn posts with links have between 55% and 60% less reach.

Source: LinkedIn
Avoiding Common Pitfalls on LinkedIn

Source: LinkedIn

By crafting a strong profile, posting when your audience is active, mixing up your content types, engaging smartly, and steering clear of common traps, you’ll set yourself up for success on LinkedIn.

Analyzing and Optimizing Your LinkedIn Strategy

Simply posting on LinkedIn isn’t enough. You need to track how your content is doing to make smart adjustments over time.

LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn offers built-in analytics that provide insights on things like:

  • Reach: How many people saw your post?
  • Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, clicks.
  • Demographics: Who is your audience (job titles, locations, etc.)
LinkedIn Post Analysis

Iterating Your Strategy

Use this data to guide your future content creation:

  • Successful Posts: What did your best-performing posts have in common (topic, format, timing)? Do more of that!
  • Less Successful Posts: Did certain topics fall flat? Were posts at particular times less engaging? Adjust accordingly.
Iterating Your Strategy

Success on LinkedIn takes a mix of understanding your audience, posting valuable content, and constantly improving your approach based on real-time performance. Keep learning from your experiences and your audience’s reactions to grow your presence on LinkedIn.


The LinkedIn algorithm might seem complex, but understanding its basics helps you get more out of the platform. Remember these key points:

  • Focus on creating valuable and engaging content.
  • Build strong connections within your industry.
  • Track your results and adjust your strategy over time.

LinkedIn is always changing, so stay curious! Experiment with content formats and keep an eye on updates to consistently reach your professional goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why am I not seeing more engagement on my LinkedIn posts?

Your engagement might be low if your content does not connect with your audience or if you’re posting at times when your audience is not active. Focus on creating valuable, high-quality content tailored to your audience’s interests and experiment with posting times to find when your audience is most engaged.

2. How can I make my LinkedIn posts reach a wider audience outside my network?

To reach a wider audience, use relevant hashtags to make your posts discoverable by more people. Engage with comments on your posts to fuel conversation and share your posts in relevant LinkedIn groups.

3. What type of content performs best on LinkedIn?

Content that adds value to your audience tends to perform best. This includes industry insights, professional tips, company updates, and thought leadership articles. Video content and posts that prompt discussions or questions also see higher engagement rates.

4. How often should I post on LinkedIn to stay visible without annoying my followers?

Posting once a day is ideal for staying visible. However, content quality is more important than quantity. Make sure your posts add value rather than posting frequently with less meaningful content.

5. Can using too many hashtags affect my LinkedIn post visibility?

Yes, using too many hashtags or irrelevant hashtags can negatively affect your post’s performance. LinkedIn recommends using no more than three relevant hashtags per post to ensure your content reaches the right audience effectively.

6. How do I know if my LinkedIn marketing strategy is working?

Check your LinkedIn analytics regularly to see how your content is performing. Look at engagement rates, reach, and how your follower count changes over time. This data will tell you what’s working and what needs adjustment in your strategy.

7. Is it better to share links in LinkedIn posts or comments?

LinkedIn prefers keeping users on the platform, so posts with external links might get less visibility. If you need to share a link, consider placing it in the first comment of your post to avoid potentially reducing your post’s reach.

Saurabh Chaturvedi is a content writer at RecurPost. Specializing in social media management and marketing, Saurabh is dedicated to crafting engaging and informative articles. His passion for clear, exciting content keeps readers eager for more.


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