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How to Schedule Multiple Posts on Facebook?

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Are you struggling to manage your Facebook presence while juggling everything else your business demands? You’re not alone! Many small business owners find it hard to consistently post engaging content on Facebook, often due to time constraints. But don’t worry, there is a solution of Bulk Scheduling!

By Scheduling Multiple Posts on Facebook at once, you can save precious time and ensure your page stays active and relevant.

This article will teach you how to schedule multiple posts with Facebook’s built-in tools and powerful third-party platforms that make scheduling on Facebook a breeze. We’ll also share valuable tips and tricks to maximize your reach and engagement.

So, are you ready to unlock the power of multiple post scheduling and take your Facebook marketing to the next level? Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Scheduling Multiple Facebook Posts

1. Time-Saving Superhero:

Say goodbye to daily posting struggles! With multiple post scheduling during your free time, you can create and schedule a batch of posts in advance, freeing up your precious time for other business priorities.

2. Engagement Booster Rocket:

Consistent content is key to keeping your audience engaged. By scheduling multiple posts, you ensure your page is constantly buzzing with fresh content, attracting more viewers and sparking greater interaction.

3. Content Experimentation Playground:

Want to try out different content types but don’t have the time? Scheduling opens up a world of possibilities! Pre-planning your posts allows you to experiment with various formats like images, videos, text, and link posts. Discover what resonates best with your audience and refine your strategy for maximum impact.

4. Better Workflow:

Traditional single-post scheduling follows a top-down approach. You first choose the destination (page, group, profile), then create the content, and finally schedule it. This can be time-consuming, especially if you have multiple destinations.

Multiple post-scheduling flips the script, offering a bottom-up approach. You focus on creating your content in a CSV, upload it in bulk, and then decide the destination and schedule time for each post. This is much more efficient and allows you to focus on the creative flow without getting trapped by technical details.

In short, scheduling multiple Facebook posts is a win-win for busy small business owners. It saves you time, boosts engagement, and lets you experiment with different content types.

Q. Can you schedule multiple posts on Facebook?

Yes, you can schedule multiple posts on Facebook!

While Facebook offers its own scheduling tool, they have limitations. For example, Meta Business Suite only allows bulk scheduling for video posts, not other types like images, text, or links.

This is where third-party tools like RecurPost come in handy. They allow you to bulk-schedule a diverse range of post types like images, texts, and link posts, not just videos.

Scheduling Multiple Posts with Meta Business Suite

Meta Business Suite offers a basic option for scheduling multiple posts, but it’s limited to videos only. Here’s how to do it:

1. Access the Planner:

Log in to Meta Business Suite and navigate to the Planner tab. This is where you can manage all your scheduled posts.

Access the Planner

2. Create a New Post:

Click the Create Post button and select Bulk Upload Videos.

Create a New Post

3. Choose Your Videos:

Click Upload Videos and select up to 50 videos you want to schedule.

Choose Your Videos

4. Add Details and Schedule:

For each video, you can:

  • Add a Title
  • Add a caption in the Description
  • Set the date and time for scheduling

Add Details and Schedule

5. Review and Publish:

Once you’re satisfied with your schedule, click Publish to schedule all your videos at once.

Review and Publish

While Facebook’s native tool can be useful for basic video scheduling, it lacks the flexibility and advanced features offered by third-party tools. You can schedule Facebook and Instagram posts from Meta Business Suite.

Bulk Scheduling through Third-Party Tool: RecurPost

1. Create a RecurPost Account:

Head over to RecurPost and Sign up for a free account.

Create a RecurPost Account

2. Import Your Content:

  • CSV Import: Prepare a CSV file with your content details like text, image URLs, links, schedule dates, and times. Upload the file directly to RecurPost.

Upload or Import CSV

  • Import through Social Media: Alternatively, you can import posts from your previous social media tool using this plugin.

Import through Social Media

3. Choose Your Destinations:

Select the pages, groups, and/or personal profiles where you want to schedule your posts.

Choose Your Destinations

4. Set Your Schedule:

For each post, you can specify the date and time you want it to be published. RecurPost even allows you to set recurring schedules for consistent posting.

Set Your Schedule

5. Review and Schedule all:

Once you’re happy with your schedule, click Schedule All to automatically post your content to all the selected destinations. You can even store these posts in a library, allowing you to easily repost on Facebook and share them again and again in a cycle.

Review and Schedule all

With RecurPost’s simple and intuitive interface, you can schedule Facebook posts in just a few minutes, freeing up your time to focus on running your business.

Comparison between Meta Business Suite and RecurPost

FeatureMeta Business SuiteRecurPost
Schedule Multiple PostsYes but supports only one type of postYes, supports all types of posts
Post Type SupportedOnly Video postsSupports image, text, link, and video posts (coming in 2024)
Post DestinationOnly PagesPages, Groups, and Profiles
Import OptionNo import functionalityRobust CSV import tools, Import posts from Social Media
Upload LimitUpto 50 videosNo limit via CSV, but 250+ is not recommended 
IntegrationNo integrationCanva, ChatGPT,, Zapier, and more
Content CustomizationLimitedTweak each post by tailoring your message or media
Team CollaborationLimited featuresReal-time collaboration and approval workflows

Tips for Effective Post Scheduling

Now that you’ve chosen your scheduling tool, let’s explore some best practices to maximize your Facebook success:

1. Mix Scheduled and Real-Time Posts:

While scheduling offers immense benefits, avoid relying solely on pre-planned content. Maintain a balance by scheduling your core content in advance and leaving room for real-time engagement. Respond to trending topics, celebrate special occasions, and join relevant conversations to keep your page fresh and interactive.

2. Find Your Peak Time:

Every audience has its sweet spot for engagement. Analyze your Facebook Insights to determine when your followers are most active. Schedule your high-engagement content like videos and live streams for these peak times to reach the widest audience.

3. Keep it Varied:

Don’t bore your audience with the same type of content! Experiment with different formats like images, videos, polls, questions, and text-based posts to keep your audience engaged and interested. This also allows you to discover which content types resonate best with your followers.

4. Be Consistent:

Building a loyal audience requires consistency. Develop a regular posting schedule and stick to it as much as possible. This helps your followers know when to expect new content and keeps your page active and relevant.

5. Measure, Adapt, and Improve:

Track your post performance and engagement metrics. Analyze which types of content perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly. Use insights to refine your schedule, timing, and content formats to continuously improve your Facebook presence.

Are your Facebook scheduled posts failing to publish? Uncover practical solutions and tips to resolve these problems in our expert guide. Get the full scoop here.

Bonus Tip: Utilize RecurPost’s analytics tools to track your progress and make informed decisions. Analyze reach, engagement, website clicks, and other key metrics to see what’s working and what needs improvement.

By following these tips and utilizing the power of scheduling tools like RecurPost, you can create a winning Facebook strategy that attracts your target audience, boosts engagement, and drives results for your business.


Scheduling multiple Facebook posts is a game-changer for busy small business owners when it comes to how to post on Facebook. It frees up your valuable time to focus on other tasks while ensuring your page stays active and engaging. This consistent presence helps you build stronger relationships with your audience, ultimately leading to increased brand awareness and customer engagement. Embrace the power of scheduling and say goodbye to the daily struggle of creating and posting content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can one schedule multiple Facebook posts?

Use Facebook’s Meta Business Suite for video posts or third-party tools like RecurPost for various post types. Upload and schedule in bulk using these platforms. You can even schedule Facebook group posts in bulk.

Approximately how many Facebook posts can be scheduled?

Meta Business Suite allows up to 50 video posts, while RecurPost does not have a strict limit for CSV uploads, but over 100 posts at a time is not recommended.

How often should I be posting scheduled content?

Start with one or two posts a day and adjust based on audience engagement. The key is finding a balance without overwhelming your audience.

How far in advance can I bulk-schedule Facebook posts?

You can schedule posts several months in advance, allowing for long-term planning and consistent content flow.

Can I schedule multiple posts directly on Facebook?

Yes, but with limitations. Facebook allows bulk scheduling of video posts only, and it’s limited to pages.

What are some popular third-party tools for bulk scheduling?

RecurPost, Buffer, and Hootsuite are popular choices, offering various features for bulk scheduling and content management.

Saurabh Chaturvedi is a content writer at RecurPost. Specializing in social media management and marketing, Saurabh is dedicated to crafting engaging and informative articles. His passion for clear, exciting content keeps readers eager for more.


Schedule and Publish your posts on multiple social accounts, read and reply to incoming messages with social inbox, and collaborate with your team and clients with ease.