Gary Vaynerchuk once wrote about creating 64 pieces of content in a day.
Not one, not two, but sixty-four!
Can you believe it?
Not all of us have the bandwidth or the resources to create sixty-four pieces of content daily. But, we can break down one piece of content into 64 sub-pieces.
This blog post by RecurPost, a social media scheduler, will explain how you can break down a single blog post into multiple pieces of content.
What is content repurposing?
Content repurposing is the process of reusing a single piece of content across multiple platforms. Let’s say that you have a blog post and use that as a reference to create a video on YouTube. This is the process of repurposing your content.
The simple idea of transforming your content to publish it on multiple platforms is called content repurposing.
NOTE: Since a lot of marketers start with a blog post, we will take this as the standard. We will explain how you can break down a blog post into multiple content pieces in this blog post.
A little heads up – you might need free online graphic design software for some of these methods. You might also need a content repurposing tool to schedule the same content on multiple platforms.
What are the different platforms to repurpose your content?
We have listed the top 5 ways to convert a blog post into content for other platforms. We’ll help you understand how a simple blog post can be broken down for each platform.
1. YouTube
There are two reasons why YouTube is on the top of this list:
- YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine after Google
- YouTube videos can be further broken down into content for other platforms
Apart from these two reasons, there’s another important reason why a blog should be created into a video.
Once you create a video on YouTube, you can embed it on your blog post. It increases the on-page time and user experience of your blog post. This will fetch you higher rankings and hence more eyeballs on your content. High ranking will also mean that more people will watch your YouTube videos.
Do you see how it all ties together?
Here’s an example of how a blog post was converted into a successful YouTube video.

Create and Go wrote a blog that explains how you can make money with blogging. It is a ten-step approach that helps you become an established blogger.
We searched Google to find the original publishing date of this blog post. But we were unable to find any. So we visited their page source and identified their published date there.

As per the source code, this blog was originally published on 26 May, 2017. It was last updated on 2 Dec, 2020. It’s funny how a little snooping around on the internet can reveal so much information.
Anyways, we saw that they had a video embedded on their blog post.

We were curious to know which was created first, the video or the blog post. So we visited their YouTube channel and found that their blog post was created first.

Their YouTube video was released on Apr 24, 2019, which was 2 years after the release of their blog post. Their video has now crossed a cool 1 million views. The whole video is about one of Create and Go’s founders explaining the steps written in his blog post.
You will also find something really interesting when you take a look at the screenshot below.

Ever since their blog post was launched, it has never managed to breach the 1000 visitors. Even today the blog post brings in less than 250 visitors each month.
But their YouTube video (which is actually the same content) has brought them more than a million views. All that traffic for just recording and editing a video based on a blog they have already written.
Isn’t that interesting?
It’s the same content in a different medium; magically, it just starts doing well.
Moreover, once you create a YouTube video, you can use it on other platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You can also break it down into smaller chunks and distribute it on social media platforms. We’ll explain this in the coming steps.
2. Instagram
Instagram has grown into a massive beast over the years. What started out as a photo-sharing platform is now one of the biggest social media platforms on earth, which helps more in terms of social media for NGOs. There are four ways to break down your content on Instagram.
- Carousels
- Short videos
- Posts
- IGTV videos
- Reels
We’ll explain all of these with examples.
Instagram carousel
Here is an Instagram carousel from Latermedia. This carousel has been created from an influencer report they created in association with
This IG carousel explains the difference in engagement and payments between types of influencers. It has 3-4 slides, with a short caption about the guide. It states that you can visit their guide through the link in the bio for more information.
Once we click on the link on their bio, we arrive at their landing page with links on their posts (you can get this landing page using Later’s tool).
Once we click on the original carousel post, we’re taken to the landing page where we can download their guide.
By converting a report into a carousel, they have efficiently increased the reach of this report. Without that carousel, we would have never included the link to this influencer report in this blog post.
Do you understand how content repurposing and distribution in the right places can increase its reach?
By creating a carousel post, they’re able to amplify the reach of their influencer marketing report.
Instagram video posts
We’ve got a great example for an Instagram video post from our very own Instagram account. We ran an interview with Shady Shae, a famous YouTuber. We recorded our interview and converted it into a YouTube video.
We also created a blog post and embedded this YouTube video onto it.
Laer, we took this Youtube video and broke it down into several small snippets for our Instagram account.Here’s a 1-minute video we broke down from this YouTube video
This was a really important part where Shady Shae talked about the importance of YouTube thumbnails. We figured that it could be great for our viewers. So we broke it down and added some subtitles to it. Now, this is an asset we can share on many other social media platforms.
Instagram posts
The infographic given in the picture below was created using data from their influencer report.
Just like the carousel, you can click on the link in the bio and get to the landing page of that report. Like the report, you can also grab important information from your blog posts and create an infographics from it.
Identifying the right piece of information is the biggest challenge in this process. Once you identify it, creating and distributing is pretty easy, per Instagram post ideas.
IGTV videos
This is a great way to add all your YouTube videos to your Instagram account. For example, let’s take a look at our Instagram channel (Picmakerhq).
Most of the interviews we have on our YouTube channel can be found there. These videos have been uploaded to our Instagram channel in the form of IGTV videos.
Although it would have been better if we could have shared all our Youtube videos on Instagram. Eventually we’ll get it all up on our Instagram account.
Instagram Reels
This one is tricky and it’s something we’ve never actually done. But that does not mean that we cannot give you some examples.
Yet again, Latermedia does a great job of putting out terrific reels. They are consistent with their content, all of which is below 15 seconds and pretty entertaining.
The only rule of a reel is that it should be attention grabbing. Your reel needs to capture the attention of the viewer and hold it. You can get small chunks from your blog and record a video on your smartphone.
In our opinion, Instagram Reels are the easiest way to start repurposing your content in video format.
3. Pinterest
Pinterest is a game changer for anyone looking to distribute valuable content in the form of graphics. We started sharing some of our graphic posts on Pinterest, which garnered a good amount of impressions.

We got it done just by putting in 30 mins a week. We definitely have not doubled down on this strategy yet. But looking from the results so far, that’s something we will actively explore in the future.
Pinterest is about creating boards and sharing your pins to those boards.
But what is a Pinterest board?
A Pinterest board is a place to pin all your content. You can create multiple boards in a single account and pin everything inside those boards.
If that’s a bit too complex, consider this example. Consider your room as your Pinterest account. Now you are going to put up three boards in your room named fonts, colours and interviews. Any information related to fonts will be pinned on the font board. Any information related to colours will be pinned to the colors board and anything that’s relevant to interviews will be pinned there.
That’s the basic idea of Pinterest.
We created multiple boards on Pinterest for various topics. We then go ahead and pin our content under those relevant boards.

Here’s a quick look at the top boards inside our Pinterest account.

Our top board is named “Twitter Ad templates” and has garnered 380 impressions till date. We have put up just 10 pins on that board. Somehow those 10 pins have managed to garner 380 impressions till date. The more pins we add, the more will be the reach of this board.
Here’s a quick look at the top pins in your account.

All these pins are bringing out 100 impressions a month with no work from our side. When you add more pins, the board gets more views. When your board gets more views, Pinterest pushes the pins for more engagement.
With all that said, Pinterest is still something we’re testing out. It might take another 6 months before we get consistent traffic from it, but we’re positive about the result. We’re certain that with consistency we too can crack the Pinterest code.
4. Twitter
Twitter is a micro-blogging platform and is different from Pinterest. For starters Twitter is focused on short text-based content, videos and pictures. It is also another platform where things go viral constantly. The retweet option on Twitter makes it easy for everyone to repost a tweet to their followers with the click of a button.
In short, sharing is very easy on twitter and that increases the virality of the platform.
We started experimenting on Twitter with tweets, videos and threads. We’ll explain how each one went down in detail.
Twitter post
We wrote a blog about YouTube banner examples and where we featured a ton of video marketing influencers. This blog post had a ton of screenshots to explain our points.
So we just went ahead and posted a bunch of those screenshots as twitter posts.
Here’s an example
In this post we tagged Justin Brown (CEO of Primal Video) and attached all our screenshots that mentioned his YouTube channel in it.
Surprisingly Justin Brown replied to our post by retweeting it.
This got us a total of 641 impressions and 4 link clicks to our blog post. We just didn’t stop there. We replied to his retweet and thanked him. We also went ahead and asked for an opportunity to interview him.
Here was his reply
And yes he did send us a DM. We set up a time for an interview and three weeks later, we had Justin Brown on our Growth series.
We recorded a 30 min interview and converted that into a blog post too!
That’s how a small tweet promoting our content got us an interview and more content opportunities. We can now break down this content and put it up on multiple social media platforms. The videos can be broken down into Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. The text can also be broken down into Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest graphics. RecurPost is one of the best free hootsuite alternatives and statusbrew alternative that will help you schedule posts on social media platforms.
It’s an endless cycle!
Video tweets
We also experimented on Twitter using video tweets and this helped us gain some new followers. We didn’t do a lot of videos, but the one we posted did really well. Let’s take a look at this video snippet we posted from Shady Shae’s interview. Yes, it was the video snippet we posted on Instagram.
That’s content repurposing in action!
We added a link to our original YouTube video in the post. This made sure that people can check out the full content if they found this interesting. Shady Shae retweeted it to his audience and that got us a good reach.
Here are the statistics of this post.
This may not seem impressive, but consider this fact. This video was just broken down from a bigger video we had on our channel. All we really had to do was trim it down and add the subtitles.We shared that single snippet on Instagram and Twitter. That’s new content without ever needing to create something new. This is the best part about content repurposing. We just 414 impressions for basically creating nothing new.
Twitter threads
Finally, you can also use Twitter threads to repurpose your blog post in detail.
But, what is a twitter thread?
A twitter thread is a series of tweets that are attached to one another in order. Here’s an example of a twitter thread we shared on Picmaker’s account.
Do you remember the interview we did with Justin Brown?
We used that interview to create a Twitter thread. We broke it down into a bunch of shareable graphics. Each graphic was added and explained in each part of the twitter thread.
Here’s slide 1 of this thread
Here’s slide 2 from this threadSo we just shared all the key points from this interview and added our comments to it.
Do you want to know how much engagement this thread picked up?
Cue the drumroll….
We published this Twitter thread on 26 May, 2021. It had 25 slides and garnered us a total engagement of 1,297 impressions. That’s the most number of impressions we’ve ever received on a single day.
All we did was take the existing content we had on our blogs and share it as a detailed thread.
How cool is that?
But you have to understand that this single thread took us 40 minutes to create. Although we had the content, choosing what was necessary, writing and editing it became super-important.
At the end of the day, it was definitely worth it.
5. Convert it into audio and podcasts
There are many tools that will help you convert existing blog posts into audio versions. You can also add these audio posts to your blog for easy consumption by the visitors. It gives them a choice to either read the post or listen to an audio version of it. is a SaaS tool that allows you to convert text into audio with AI voices. This will convert all your blog posts into audio files. They have tons of AI generated voices to make your audio sound natural and convincing.

These tools also allow you to directly embed your audio onto your blog posts. This increases the accessibility of your content for your readers.
Imagine a scenario where a visitor is reading your post and suddenly remembers about a chore he/she needs to take care of. Instead of leaving your site, the visitor can just click on the play button and consume it in the audio format.
This will increase the on-page time and make your blog post SEO friendly.
If needed, you can also chop this and add it to your podcast episodes. You can share the most important parts on a daily podcast along with your comments.
The opportunities with audio are endless.
Why go through all this trouble?
Those were our five top ways to repurpose your content for multiple platforms. Now you might wonder… “Why go through all this trouble?”
You can generate a ton of business by focusing on just one platform at a time. We’ve seen creators who make millions by focusing on just one platform.
But by focusing on just one platform, they are missing the ability to be omnipresent. Being omnipresent on multiple channels greatly benefits your business’s long-term growth. You can effectively provide multiple touchpoints for your audience.
NOTE: A person must go through 7 touch points before remembering your brand.
You increase the touchpoints by repurposing or re-uploading your content for multiple platforms with social media bulk scheduling. With RecurPost, you can increase the chances of your brand being discovered. You ultimately increase the chance of getting more exposure, visitors, and revenue.
Rather than creating new content on all platforms, find ways to use existing content.
Are you actively creating videos on YouTube? Open a blog and create a blog post on it. Ask your subscribers to check out your blog posts.
Are you active on Instagram or Facebook? Schedule Facebook Posts in advance & find how you can use the same content on Twitter and Pinterest.
Get creative and find ways to be omnipresent. Repurpose your content and be everywhere; that’s how you will achieve quick and long-lasting growth.
Thanks for reading!

Debbie Moran is a Digital marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience producing advertising for brands and helping leaders showcase their brand to the correct audience. She has been a part of RecurPost since 2019 and handles all the activities required to grow our brand’s online presence.