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Sendible vs Hootsuite

Which To Pick in 2024?


Mastering Social Media Monitoring: A Guide with Sendible


Simplify social media management with Hootsuite

What is Sendible?

Sendible is a robust social media management platform, tailored primarily for agencies managing multiple client accounts. It easily integrates with blogging platforms and supports a wide range of social networks.

Sendible’s deep analytics capabilities—which go beyond simple interaction metrics—are one of its most notable features. Sentiment tracking, influencer finding, and competition analysis are just a few of Sendible’s reporting services that give agencies useful strategic insights. Agencies can stay ahead of the curve and create targeted campaigns that genuinely connect with the target audiences of their clients because of this deep insight.

Sendible is aware of how crucial time is in the quick-paced world of social media marketing. With features like bulk scheduling, automatic publishing procedures, and pre-approved content libraries, the platform is designed with speed and efficiency in mind. By allowing agencies to focus on strategic planning and creative execution, these time-saving solutions help them make the most of their social media initiatives while maintaining efficiency.

With features like analytics, content recommendation, and a visually appealing dashboard, it’s a go-to tool for many marketers. Sendible alternatives to enhance your social media management capabilities? Dive into our comparison to find the ideal platform to meet your content scheduling, engagement, and analytics needs.

What is Hootsuite?

Hootsuite, as we previously discussed, is a veteran of social media management. Supporting an expansive range of platforms, it’s revered for its comprehensive suite of tools like scheduling, monitoring, and analytics.

One standout feature of Hootsuite is its content discovery option, which is a valuable way to find relevant content for your social media accounts. You can search for content using keywords, hashtags, or subjects, and Hootsuite will provide you with a curated list of articles, images, and videos that you can share on your social network accounts. This feature simplifies the process of finding and sharing engaging content with your audience.

Additionally, Hootsuite’s scheduling tool allows you to plan and schedule your posts in advance, ensuring that you can share information at the most opportune times for your audience. Hootsuite’s analytics function provides you with valuable insights into your social media accounts, including data on follower growth and engagement rates, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to refine and improve your social media strategy.

Explore Hootsuite alternatives for your social media management needs. Discover alternative platforms that can help you Simplify your content scheduling, engagement, and analytics, ensuring a tailored solution for your business or personal objectives.


Sendible and Hootsuite services enable users to optimize their social media presence but with different feature sets and techniques. Your online success may be greatly impacted by your decision between Sendible and Hootsuite, regardless of whether you’re a major organization with extensive social media demands or a small business searching for affordable solutions.

We’ll go into great detail comparing these two platforms in this blog post, assisting you in navigating the tricky world of social media management and helping you make an educated decision that precisely suits your particular needs. Together, we will investigate Sendible and Hootsuite to find the best social media management platform for your needs.

Deciding on the best social media management tools can be a difficult task with the multitude of options available. This is where we, at RecurPost, come to your aid. We’re seasoned experts in the arena, and our insights will surely aid you in arriving at an informed verdict.

Sendible vs Hootsuite: User Rating

Rating Categories Sendible Hootsuite
Star Rating (Out of 5) 4.5 4.1
Meets Requirements (Out of 10) 9.0 8.3
Ease of Use (Out of 10) 9.2 8.4
Ease of Setup (Out of 10) 9.3 8.4
Ease of Admin (Out of 10) 9.1 8.5
Quality of Support (Out of 10) 9.2 7.9
Business Partnership (Out of 10) 8.9 8.3
Product Direction (% positive) 90 73
Summary: Upon evaluating user ratings, Sendible seems to have a distinct advantage in almost every category, especially in terms of ease of use, support, and overall direction. While Hootsuite remains a strong contender, Sendible’s strengths cannot be overlooked.

Sendible vs Hootsuite: Feature Comparison

Features Sendible Hootsuite
Pricing (per month in USD) 29$ 99$
Free Trial Yes Yes
Platforms Supported Most major platforms, including blogging networks Most major platforms, including blogging networks
Bulk Scheduling Yes Yes
RSS feeds Yes No
Recurring Posts Yes No
Social Inbox Yes Yes
AI Content Generation Yes No
Hashtag Storage Yes Yes
Caption Customization Yes No
Advanced Analytics Yes No
White Label Reports Yes No
Note on Pricing Custom plans for agencies No additional notes
Summary: Sendible not only offers a competitive pricing structure but also an array of features that outpaces Hootsuite in several areas, such as AI content generation, caption customization, and advanced analytics.

Pros and Cons of Using Sendible


    • Great value for money

    • Comprehensive analytics

    • Perfect for agencies with custom plans

    • White label reports for a branded experience


    • Might be overwhelming for individual users

    • Requires a slight learning curve

Pros and Cons of Using Hootsuite


    • Proven track record

    • Wide platform support

    • Has a social inbox and hashtag storage


    • Higher pricing

    • Lacks features like AI content generation and advanced analytics

Sendible vs Hootsuite – The Bottom Line

Both Sendible and Hootsuite offer powerful tools for social media management. While Hootsuite has a longer track record and wide platform support, Sendible offers superior features, better analytics, and more competitive pricing, especially for agencies.

RecurPost as an alternative to Sendible and Hootsuite

Ever thought about giving RecurPost a try? It’s a stellar fusion of top features without burning a hole in your pocket. RecurPost presents a unique alternative to Sendible and Hootsuite in social media management tools.

RecurPost counterparts empower users to schedule and automate social media posts across various platforms, saving precious time and ensuring consistent online engagement. However, what sets RecurPost apart is its emphasis on evergreen content recycling and posting. You can effortlessly reshare your best-performing content at optimal intervals, keeping your audience engaged and your social media profiles active.

Feature RecurPost Sendible Hootsuite
Pricing (per month in USD) $25 $29 $18
Free Trial Yes Yes Yes
Bulk Scheduling Yes Yes No
AI Content Generation Yes No No
Advanced Analytics Yes Yes Yes
Team Management Yes Yes Yes
Platform Support Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Business Profile, YouTube, TikTok Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+*, Pinterest, WordPress, others Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, others
Caption Customization Yes Yes Yes
URL Shortener Yes Yes Yes
White Label Reports Yes Yes No

Why RecurPost Is Better Than Sendible and Hootsuit?

As a leader in the race for the best social media management tool, RecurPost stands out. A lot of people consider RecurPost to be the best option because it combines features, affordability, and continuous commitment to user satisfaction. Ready to step up your social media presence?